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Neurodiversity - Difference in individual brain function & behavioural traits.

Are you a Neurodivergent?

One in eight people are considered neurodiverse but fewer than 50 percent of us know it. Neurodivergent’s tend to be high energy, out of the box thinkers, excel in a crisis, and be bold problem solvers, but navigating the modern workplace, family life, relationships, educational settings; primary, secondary schools and University can be a challenge.

Neurodivergence comes in many forms: Autistic Spectrum (A.S.D), Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Asperger’s syndrome, Dyspraxia, ADHD/ADD & Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) to mention a few.

Personally, I like the noun 'neurodiversity' because it adds something scientific, something credible. It acknowledges that variation in brain function exists across the whole population.

I have been working with neurodiversity for over 12 years, (that’s showing my age). As a specialist teacher my world was filled with young people labelled with diagnosis such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Asperger’s syndrome, ADHD/ADD and so on...

It was with this bunch of exceptional free thinkers and learners that I learned to understand what it was like to be different: socially, intellectually & behaviourally.

Never underestimate the daily trauma of a neurodivergent it can be overwhelming, socially never being invited to parties or sleepovers, daily on-sloth of silent whispers of 's/he is weird' words can scar deeply. Peer groups shunning you or making fun of your differences: social, physical and intellectual. Perhaps you were socially isolated from your peers because you thought differently, maybe you were out spoken, or a mathematician

(numbers nerd), a scientist, an astronaut in the making, a writer, an actor, an inventor, a rule breaker, or maybe your brain was/is simply far too busy to be at school/University.

School where you are told to conform uniform, hair, jewellery, attitude, rules, all going completely against your instincts because you can think outside of box.

Maybe you are sensory seeking ALL THE TIME. Teachers, parents, friends asking you to be quiet, don't move, sit still, stop chewing, stop talking, stop thinking...

And people ask you why you get angry.

Asking your brain to conform to ' a normal way of learning and living' is impossible!

You struggle with life, change, decisions, challenges, procrastination, you struggle to stop moving and your brain never stops thinking.

As a psychotherapist/counsellor working with neurodivergence, I am empathic, caringly, realistic, and fully understand what neurodivergent’s can go through on a daily basis because I am a neurodivergent. It is hard and has its challenges but with the right support it can change your life!

N - never

E - ever

U - underestimate

R - ridicule

O - Or

D - denounce

I - Identity

V - Value &

E - Elevate Out of

R - Rigidity

S - Smile You Are

I - Limitless

T - Think Outside of Box

Y - You Will Shine

Next time the world is giving you a hard time, think of these words of encouragement and support. If you are struggling with neurodivergence and need support, please get in touch.

Contact: / Mobile:07824827850

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