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SpLD Assessment Practitioner
Dyslexic Assessor
Anna Hayles 

Dyslexic Asssessment


At Surrey’s Learning and Counselling Centre our unique learning environment supports you and your child when you discover she/he is are having problems learning.

We understand your concerns our team of highly qualified Specialist Teachers is here to support and guide you. If after a consultation you decide that a diagnostic assessment is required we will then talk you through the process answering any questions and alleviating any fears you might have.

The assessments can provide an official diagnosis of dyslexia/dyscalculia and identify any other underlying learning difficulties. This usually takes 2.5 hours and takes place in the calm surroundings of SLCC.  

A little about me, my interest in dyslexia and specific learning difficulties developed whilst teaching history in the state and independent sectors. When my eldest son was diagnosed with dyslexia I decided to make special education the focus of my work. My experience as Head of Learning Support and SENCo at two Surrey independent secondary schools  as well as my consultancy work has allowed me further insight into the educational system.

Throughout my thirty years in education, I have remained passionate about the central importance of developing every young person’s confidence and self-esteem. 


  • BA (Hons) (History and History of Art) University of York,

  • PGCE (History) Institute of Education, University of London,

  • Level 7 (OCR) Diploma in Teaching Learners with Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia) HADC,

  • Level 2 OCN Supporting Teenagers and Young Adults with PDA

  • Current Assessment Practising Certificate (PATOSS)

Anna Hayles
Happy Kids Huddle

SLCC will give you a detailed interpretation of test results, each report will include:

Summary of background information from home and school/college, including history of support at school/college.

A detailed interpretation of test results, including:

  • General Ability

  • Attainments, reading, spelling, writing

  • Cognitive processing skills, e.g. memory, phonological awareness, speed of phonological processing

  • Conclusion – a rounded view of assessment findings

  • Table of test scores

  • Essential recommendations for supporting the learner:

  • General (if appropriate)

  • At home

  • In the classroom

  • Access arrangements in exams (if appropriate)

  • Specialist teacher/tutor (if appropriate)


Full details of all the tests used in the session will be included for reference. 

If the individual is entering Higher Education, the report will be tailored to meet the requirements of the University and to access a Disabled Students Allowance (DSA), if appropriate.

Suggestions for Access Arrangements in examinations will be included if appropriate.

NB: Mathematical skills will also be investigated during this assessment.


Assessment fee: £675 

To Book an Assessment or for more information please contact SLCC on 07824827850 or email 

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