Reading Questions isn't as difficult as you think.
Three Golden Rules
1. Make simple points in your answers.
2. Get your answers from the text - don't make things up.
3. Quote to back up your answers whenevr you can.
Read each piece of writing CAREFULLY, so you know what its about and what happens.
Read all questions - with the questions in your mind
Then Read them again - you might spot something different..
Answer each question in turn - no skipping!
State the obvious (you get marks for this..) - do not be scared, you have nothing to lose
If you notice something in the text that seems to answer the question, the chances are it does, so write it down - you will get marks for writing it down
As you approach your final months at school or college try to remain focused, calm and healthy. Keeping your eye on the prize - University, Apprenticeship or straight into employment.

Best of luck,